Improve Grocery Store Operations This Year With Quality Direct Store Delivery Software

June 17, 2018
By Harvest

Direct Store Delivery software (DSD) is an innovative solution for food manufacturers and distributors that drastically improves their sales efficiency and maximize revenue streams. As such, DSD software can help a perishable goods distributors business to re-connect with major customers and grow sales year after year.

Though expediting the entire delivery process is the main advantage of DSD software programs, there are plenty of additional benefits of direct store delivery systems:

Properly handle federal guidelines

The FDA currently regulates $417 billion worth of domestic food products alone and an additional $49 billion worth of imported foods. As modern consumers continue to demand more fresh food and beverage products, many manufacturers are examining how their company can improve upon their delivery and quality management processes. Foods that are fresh, whether healthier or of better flavored, often have a shorter shelf life than preserved or processed products. This can open the door for potential revenue losses, though, as these items can become out-of-code more quickly. To address this challenge, more manufacturers are considering a direct store delivery (DSD) business model.

Improved shipping for sensitive products

The DSD model allows companies to better track product expiration dates and keeps closer control over how products are handled and maintained. With direct store delivery options, DSD is accompanied by its own complexities, which can cause issues within underlying systems and operations if not managed properly. Food and beverage manufacturers should adopt the best practices to effectively address the potential quality dilemmas associated with the DSD model.

Reduced labor expenses

Another great advantage of DSD for manufacturers and distributors is the improved turn time in stores which translates into lower labor costs. Since the majority of the items shipped via DSD typically have low margins, keeping your team selling new items and not restocking, is a much better strategy. This way, you can focus on improving other aspects of your business such as customer service and inventory loss.

Don’t let your operation fall behind the times. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and want to hear more about DSD software and the various other delivery options you have at your disposal, give Harvest Food Solutions a call today.

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