Benefits of Transitioning Your Perishable Foods Business to New Technology: DSD Software, ERP Software, and Business Intelligence for Food Companies

January 10, 2019
By Harvest

Running a modern perishable foods business is incredibly complex. The competitive perishable food and CPG marketplace drive the need for accuracy, up-to-date insights, and on-time deliveries. Despite technology being more insightful and robust than ever, many small- to medium-sized perishable foods businesses are hesitant to transition to new technology.

Signs it is Time for an Upgrade

Do any of the following phrases sound familiar when you mention “transitioning to new technology” at your company?:

  • “Transitioning to new technology will cause a disruption and distraction in how we’ve been doing things up to this point.”
  • We have found our workarounds, why change? “The systems available on the market aren’t right for our business. We’d have to make a lot of modifications for the system to work for our company.”
  • “We just don’t have the time and resources to invest in new technology.”

This type of feedback is very common among small- to medium-sized businesses. When you just started your perishable foods business, you likely used spreadsheets, basic accounting software, and some shared documents. Your systems were likely manageable at the beginning, but over time, your business has evolved and transactions have increased. Now, the information and data that you capture are becoming increasingly fragmented and harder to manage using your current accounting systems. One slip in food safety could trigger a recall, damaging both your brand and your company. It’s likely that your data is spread out across multiple platforms and is difficult to import and export. The various departments within your business struggle to find connectivity and efficiencies in sharing data because of the aging, disjointed systems in place. It’s become apparent that in order to minimize the risk of incorrect or lost data, it’s time for an upgrade. The implementation of new software systems will streamline and synchronize your data into one single platform. New collaborative technology will provide integration over all departments, not only building efficiencies into your business but providing your company with a proper foundation for the future.


Predictable Results You Can Count On

By linking our community of experts and users, we have built solutions and services that empower our customers and provide long-term benefits to you and your business. At Harvest Food Solutions, perishable food businesses are the sole focus. We’ve spent decades analyzing industry best practices to develop systems that work to reduce implementation costs and provide system and vendor stability. We do this by providing you with three different cloud-based systems that you can count on to transition your perishable foods business into the future: HarvestERP, HarvestDSD, and HarvestBI.

  • HarvestERP: HarvestERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System) is a specialized version of Microsoft Dynamics and is tailored specifically for the complex and unique needs of perishable foods companies. We have spent years enhancing this cloud ERP system that allows you to optimize, manage, and control every single aspect of your business. Our ERP solution has a dynamic accounting program that gives you the tools and visibility you need for fast and accurate performance. Also, for those fast-moving marketplace requirements, we provide multi-level customer structures for product planning, orders, pricing, commissioning, and invoicing. HarvestERP also helps with controlling costs of inventory by managing the manufacturing processes and multi-locational distribution of perishable products.
  • HarvestDSD: HarvestDSD (Direct Store Delivery/Route Sales) food distribution software was built from years of use and experience. It delivers a comprehensive and modern workflow which is flexible and scalable to meet the demands of your customers. HarvestDSD has a robust functionality that provides visualization of your route’s inventory. It also provides a wide range of direct store delivery options for any route or distributor to meet all of your customers’ requirements. This type of food distribution software is also incredibly helpful with the settlement of your deliveries. We help minimize the time typically spent auditing and automate the process through easy-to-view dashboards and reports. That means no more spreadsheets and data saved across multiple platforms. We set you up with one portal to help manage your route data. By doing this, we provide up-to-date configurations and route accounting, all from a single location!
  • HarvestBI: HarvestBI (Business Intelligence) is a simple, yet powerful reporting and data visualization software for your connected business systems. The biggest advantage to using data visualization is its ability to present what tends to be complex data in a simple, easy-to-understand portal. The dashboard is programmed to evolve as your company grows. Another big advantage to using HarvestBI is its mobile compatibility. Our data visualization software delivers the same robust content you typically access from your desktop to your tablet or phone.

We understand the stresses of running a perishable foods business. Harvest business solutions were created by individuals like you that have worked in the food industry. We understand the business, and most importantly, take pride in your success. Give Harvest Food Solutions a call today to find out how our systems can help your business.

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