How to Bring the Sales and Service of Your Perishable Foods Business Into 2020

September 26, 2019
By Harvest

Innovation. That is a buzzword that every small business and perishable foods business owner has probably heard over and over again. Something we have made clear through our various posts is just how competitive the field of the perishable foods business can be, and if you are not adapting and changing as time goes, your business will be left behind.

The way a consumer shops, and trends through the industry, are constantly changing, and you need to find any way to be ahead of the curve. That’s where innovation and the use of new technology play an extremely important role.

The best business owners are the ones that are always able to adapt to his or her fluid markets. Years ago, doing inventory and managing a warehouse by yourself, and by hand, was a common occurrence. Now, new technology and business software like what we offer at Harvest Food Solutions takes care of all of that in seconds.

In a world where you are constantly trying to stay ahead of the competition, a business owner needs to accept new technology and let his or her business embrace innovation. In this post, we outline a few new business practices that can help you, and your perishable foods business, succeed as we roll into 2020.

Home Delivery in the perishable foods business

It is no secret that today’s consumer values convenience above all else. Online shopping has become the new normal – and why? Because the consumer does not have to leave the comfort of his or her house. While some stores have resisted change, others have embraced the home delivery model with open arms. It’s no secret why the store’s resisting change are struggling, and the ones embracing it are succeeding. If a customer can go on a website, search for the items he or she wants from your store, and have them delivered to his or her doorstep all from the comfort of his or her own home, why wouldn’t that be the option chosen? By having your food products available in-store and also online, you are effectively doubling your exposure to consumers and not losing a step in the market.


Consumer Analytics

The age-old phrase “the customer is always right” has never been more important. It has become an absolute necessity for a business owner to know all of the wants and needs of his or her customer base. You have to be up on the latest trends and fads and know which of your food items are becoming a hot commodity, and which are being left to “spoil on the shelves”. Advances in technology now allow you to track everything from sales to checkout efficiency and the highest areas of foot traffic in your store. Social media also supports these important business analytics. They allow you to keep tabs on your audience, hear their feedback on your products and service, and respond accordingly. In order to run your business at the highest efficiency level, you have to take into account consumer analytics when making decisions on the storage and marketing of your products.

Supply Chain Upgrades

One thing that can instantly sink a business is not having an in-demand product in stock – and losing customers because of it. With so many options of perishable foods businesses for a consumer, he or she can simply go to the next available store option if the one he or she is at does not have the right product. If you are following your consumer analytics and are properly managing your high-demand products, you want to make sure you can get more as soon as you possibly can with no wait for the consumer. New technology and innovations to the supply chain processes have allowed for near-lightening speed replenishment of all your needs. You never want to tell a customer that you are out of what he or she wants. Make sure it does not happen and kickstart your supply chain process into this decade.

In the business world, the best and most successful businesses are incredible at adapting to the ever-changing climate. They are also the most innovative and allow new and advanced technology to enter their business and increase efficiency and grow profits. The way a consumer thinks and shops are changing and it is up to you to get your business to fit the right mold.

Interested in learning more about Harvest Food Solutions and how we can help your bakery business? Give us a call to see a demo of our perishable foods software and how it can make an impact on your business.

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