How direct store delivery (DSD) can reduce inefficiencies in your perishable foods business

July 18, 2019
By Harvest

Are you noticing that your perishable foods business is experiencing issues with direct store delivery inefficiencies? Or perhaps you’re looking for ways to achieve greater control over your distribution model? Maybe you’re just seeking out ways to change your current system to keep up with evolving market demands while reducing operating expenses? If any of these questions have you thinking of your own perishable foods operation, then it’s time to implement a direct store delivery (DSD) solution.

Promote Efficiencies

At Harvest Food Solutions we developed innovative tools for perishable foods companies that promote efficiencies not only for the higher volume distribution centers but also for the smaller retailers. HarvestDSD is one such product that offers a wide range of store delivery DSD opportunities for any route or distributor to meet all customer requirements.

No longer do you have to deal with the unaccounted products. Our solutions offer configurable portals to manage loading, picking, and delivery with multi-day inventories. This is especially helpful for complex loads, where oftentimes perishable foods businesses struggle to manage their inventory. HarvestDSD brings a new level of inventory management to any DSD business.

Another efficiency of implementing a DSD tool, like HarvestDSD, is that it streamlines direct delivery to places like convenience stores, grocery stores, and other retail stores. Bypassing retail distribution centers may promote efficiencies in your logistics management and result in cost savings for your company. Delivering to retail directly puts you with your customer, and when managed right, increases sales, decreases stale inventory and increases inefficiencies. There are other examples of when DSD can promote efficiencies in your distribution channels, but the fact of the matter is, implementing a solution like HarvestDSD is exactly the technology you need to lead the pack in your industry.

Increase Productivity with DSD

Harvest offers food distribution software options for the grocery industry that are designed to maximize the productivity of your teams in the field by providing intelligent workflow options at the shelf. This is especially important when you are looking to increase productivity within your team, as well as your relationship with the retailer and supplier.

Speaking of customer relationships, HarvestDSD offers easy-to-view daily, and weekly, route stop lists that ensure that customers are taken care of. It also increases the productivity of your entire route team through an easy, portable, cloud-based interface. Our portal is ahead of the curve in that is uniquely designed for the fast-paced world of perishable foods. You will realize reduced inefficiencies, and mistakes in your ordering, thanks to the portal’s easy-to-manage screens. Your team will thank you when they can get the right information, from the right people, at the right time.

One more note about the Harvest user interface – HarvestDSD offers powerful visibility into your future orders. With this kind of inventory management technology at your hands, you will reduce out-of-stocks and returns. Real-time inventory management will give you the data you need to make better decisions, save time along your routes, and increase in-store sales.


Maximize Sales Activities with DSD

In addition to maximizing supply chain productivity, DSD often provides some value-added services. These services support your point-of-sale activities in retail stores and grocery stores, including:

Inventory management at the shelf so you can avoid stockouts and ensure that customers can find what they want when they want it.
Store order to keep up with high-volume customers.
In-store merchandising to promote the point of consumption sales opportunities.
Forecasting to ensure you maintain adequate product levels of consumer goods and maintain a positive shopping experience.

Innovative DSD tools, like HarvestDSD, have revamped the entire perishable foods industry…for the better. At Harvest Food Solutions, we’re on the front-end of the innovation curve and have a DSD solution ready to reduce inefficiencies and minimize lost revenue.

Are you ready to reduce inefficiencies and minimize lost revenue? Give us a call today to find out how we can help your business.

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