Food Delivery Solutions: 4 Industries That Rely On Innovation

December 7, 2018
By Harvest

food delivery solutions

Dollar sales of the specialty food industry increased 15% between 2014 to 2016, amounting to roughly $127 billion. Whether you’re operating a specialty food business, perishable foods business, or a conventional food-based organization, innovative food delivery solutions can significantly improve company efficiencies and increase your bottom line.

Direct store delivery software is great for all kinds of food businesses to properly manage virtually all of their organizational aspects. From inventory management to route planning and delivery truck tracking, DSD software is one of the best high-tech food delivery solutions on the market.

Here are four specialty food industries that can benefit from innovative food delivery solutions:

The Candy Industry

People don’t often think about shipping candy when they consider food delivery solutions, but all those boxes and bags of tasty sweets need to come from somewhere, right? From the manufacturing process to the delivery, DSD software can help your candy business account for every piece of inventory, down to the last piece, every step of the way.

The Pet Food Industry

The pet food industry is another major market that relies heavily on accurate, efficient, and on-time delivery. There are retailers, shelters, veterinary hospitals, and organizations all across the country that need healthy pet food delivered to their doorstep. Plus, the countless number of families that house dogs, cats, and other pets that need various pet food mixes would benefit from innovative food delivery solutions.

The Frozen Dessert Industry

Shipping ice cream, frozen yogurt, and other frozen treats is a lot more reliant on temperature and timing. Though every food product should be delivered on-time, frozen products especially need to be handled with extra care and delivered in a timely fashion.

The Dairy Industry

Though milk, cheese, butter, and other non-frozen dairy products won’t necessarily melt during delivery, if these products aren’t properly stored during shipment, they can go bad extremely fast. Food delivery solutions like DSD software can help you ensure that all your dairy products are being properly taken care of from the moment they are packaged to the moment they are delivered.

If you want to learn more about innovative food delivery solutions and work with a reputable software provider, give Harvest Food Solutions a call right away.

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