How ERP Software Can Improve Your Business’ Operations

December 16, 2020
By Harvest

There are many options available for tackling the everyday operations of your food manufacturing business. While different software packages meet different specific needs, you will find the most success with software that lets different departments communicate effectively with each other. This is the primary goal of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

ERP systems integrate financial data, supply chain management, manufacturing processes, human resources data, and much more. These separate systems work together to streamline a business’s overall operations.

While the benefits of ERP software are fairly obvious for a large enterprise, it can also be beneficial for businesses of any size – even small businesses. Here are some specific examples of how ERP software can improve your business operations.

Optimize Your Finances

ERP solutions offer real-time financial data that can be accessed on any kind of device, by anybody you choose. Keep inventory costs down, improve cash flow by optimizing your financial systems, and track key production factors that help keep your business in compliance.

Maximize Your Sales

Streamline your sales process with ERP. From streamlining data entry for better efficiency to segmenting your customer list to target profits, ERP gives you greater control over the sales aspect of your business.

Achieve Maximum Efficiency in Manufacturing

From sales orders to production scheduling to reporting metrics, ERP helps you take charge of your manufacturing process. Keep your machines running at peak efficiency, track your QA standards throughout the process, and even manage multi-location Formulations with ease.

Keep Everything in its Place

With a deeper focus on product traceability, ERP helps keep your business in compliance with emerging FDA regulations. Configure your warehouses to meet the needs of your business. Manage inventory control in real-time, and accurately track lots through the entire manufacturing process.

Deliver the Goods, On Time

Accurate tracking and flexibility in delivery are of critical importance to your business. ERP software helps you efficiently track how and when your products are sent to the consumer. Allow for mass adjustments across multiple locations, while addressing location-specific security needs.

Communicate More Effectively

ERP software makes some of the greatest impacts in its ability to integrate with other software. This gives your business enhanced communication and greater control over your daily operations. Your sales department can know how much your manufacturing team is producing, which helps them know what to highlight or discount. Your purchasing department has better knowledge of what material inventory is already on hand, thus improving cash flow and reducing food waste.

While transitioning to an ERP system may seem like a daunting task, keep in mind that adaptability is one of ERP’s core strengths. ERP software should work with systems you already have in place, not replace them entirely. It is also scalable to grow with your business and to adapt to your changing needs.

We at Harvest Food Solutions are ready to help you improve your daily operations with ERP. Contact us today and let’s talk!

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