Stay Ahead of Your Competition With Business Intelligence

March 7, 2019
By Harvest

We’ve heard it time and again that companies find it difficult and time-consuming to analyze big data to meet their business goals. Why has this been the case? Typically, a company will use basic operational software programs to export their data into spreadsheets for manual analysis. Operational programs, however, are not designed to integrate, analyze, or present data in large volumes derived from multiple sources. The data they report is manual and extremely cumbersome for data analysis. The users end up with only a partial picture of the data, little-to-no drill-down capabilities, and error-prone data.

As competition increases, it is essential that you do everything you can to stay competitive in your industry. So, how will your perishable foods business stay ahead? One way is to better understand the enormous amount of data available from your data warehouse. The data that your company collects can not only help you make sense of your business but also give you an advantage over your competition.

The term business intelligence (BI) means taking operational data and putting it to use in making informed business decisions. Business intelligence tools, like HarvestBI, take massive amounts of data and integrate it, analyze it, and present timely findings. These findings come in the form of reports, alerts, and dashboards. In addition, BI applications should be able to provide insights and predictive analytics that are simply unknown by any other means. Understanding all of your company’s data in an integrated and connected view of your business is one of the best ways your company can get (and stay) ahead of the competition.

Unified and Powerful

The power of HarvestBI is in its ability to present complex, raw data in a simple and visual manner that can be understood by all departments within your company. The metrics displayed in your HarvestBI dashboard can be changed to show exactly what you want, no matter if you are in sales, operations, or ownership. In addition, you can drill down to get as detailed as you need to better understand habits and trends. Your sales team will appreciate the up-to-the-minute sales information and customer data that comes from your BI dashboard. Knowing these types of details will help the whole team stay on top of business and do what they do best…SELL!

Mobile and Flexible

Thanks to customized dashboards and mobile features, HarvestBI allows you to stay in the game no matter your location. HarvestBI brings your business data to your phone, tablet, or mobile device. This means you can ditch the spreadsheets and reports for digital, easy-to-understand, visualized data. Whether you’re on the road for a customer presentation, or taking a few “days off” by the beach, you can easily interact with your data and collaborate with your decision support system from anywhere.

Integrate and Connect

Providing a single source of data for your entire organization is key in advancing your company. Within a matter of weeks, you will unlock data marts that have been buried away and likely segmented by departments across your company. HarvestBI integrates data and connects your business in ways you’ve never realized before. The more sources of data with which you can integrate, the greater the insights you will receive. Your business users will be empowered as they easily tap into account behavior trends and potential sales opportunities.

By combining multiple data sources into a single, customized dashboard, you can visualize key performance indicators, efficiencies and inefficiencies, sales information, predictive modelers, and more. Even with large amounts of data and complex calculations, you’ll find consistent, fast, tested, and accurate integrations. HarvestBI can help you leverage data from anywhere in the world — even if your company has multiple sites in different physical locations. This type of integrated communication makes it easy for all departments to share insights both inside and outside of the organization.

HarvestBI for the Win

Whether you run a small or large perishable foods business, you will benefit from the ability to monitor and understand your company’s data. Using HarvestBI will allow you to analyze data about your market, your competition, and your customers. The ability to dig into actionable data analytics and really understand certain aspects of your business will help you to easily and accurately identify trends (and room for growth) and determine your operational efficiencies (and inefficiencies).

The perishable foods industry is a highly competitive market. From sales to operations to ownership, business intelligence software is designed to help your team win. Give us a call today to find out how HarvestBI can help you stay ahead of your competition with business intelligence.

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