Technology in the Specialty Food Industry: Direct Store Delivery Software

September 27, 2018
By Harvest

Direct Store Delivery Software

When it comes to ensuring success across the specialty food industry, technology plays a more important role now than ever before. Dollar sales within the specialty food industry increased by 15% between 2014 and 2015, amounting to $127 billion USD. With this level of increased sales continuing into the future, direct store delivery software, food-based cloud computing, and other innovative forms of technology are extremely important for a specialty food business to survive and thrive.

By utilizing direct store delivery software, you will be able to better track virtually every aspect of your delivery service. From receiving your load and stocking inventory to placing orders and delivering your food products, you can seamlessly monitor every driver, package, and individual item that your organization handles.

Successfully managing a food business is complicated and comes with plenty of unique complexities — by utilizing a more technologically advanced approach, you can improve your organization while saving both time and money. Here are some of the additional benefits of implementing direct store delivery software solutions into your business:

  • Improved food safety measures and compliance
  • Higher quality throughout production and improved efficiencies across delivery
  • Accurate food traceability and recall
  • Better connection with your customer

Perhaps most importantly, one aspect of your business will also improve and subsequently set your entire organization up for future success: customer relations. No matter what industry you’re in, you need to have a healthy relationship with your customers. If your deliveries have been inconsistent, late, or filled with inferior products, that’s going to damage your customer relationships over time. By utilizing direct store delivery software and food traceability software, you’ll significantly improve your customer service and thus the relationships with every food business partner you have.

From mobile inventory management to taking advantage of a quality direct store delivery software solution, welcoming technology into your food organization is a great way to stand out from your competitors and succeed in the near and distant future.

If you want to learn more about how an innovative direct store delivery software platform can improve your organization, give Harvest Food Solutions a call today.

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